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How does clear CSS work?

The clear CSS property sets whether an element must be moved below (cleared) floating elements that precede it. The clear property applies to floating and non-floating elements. When applied to non-floating blocks, it moves the border edge of the element down until it is below the margin edge of all relevant floats.

What does clear both mean in JavaScript?

It sets or returns the position of the element in relation to floating the objects. The “clear: both” means floating the elements are not allowed to float on both sides. It is used when no need of any element float on the left and right side as related to the specified element and wanted the next element only shown below.

Which way does the cleared element move?

clear: left; The cleared element will move afterany left floating element that precedes it, but will remain alongside right float elements. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

What does clear floats mean in LTR & RTL scripts?

Is a keyword indicating that the element is moved down to clear past both left and right floats. Is a keyword indicating that the element is moved down to clear floats on start side of its containing block, that is the left floats on ltr scripts and the right floats on rtl scripts.

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